Though all art may be political, the politics of Williams’ art is based in quiet reverence and respect for the process of creation. “Seeing Through the Layers: Reduction Linoleum Prints by Maryanna Williams,” currently on display at the Staunton Augusta Art Center and available for viewing online, is a tribute to all artists who aren’t necessarily tearing down systems with their work, but creating entire universes through the painstaking details of their art.
Read MorePacing the passion: Artist Jae Johnson on mastering the flow of artistic energy
When artist Jae Johnson sized up the wall space designated for his mural at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Technical Education Center, he realized the paintable area was about two feet shorter than he anticipated. His original design just wasn’t going to fit, and he had to come up with something else—right then and there.
Read MoreLess is more: Grace Ho’s virtual exhibition ‘Solace’ transcends the online gallery

The paintings in “Solace,” shown this month on Studio IX’s virtual gallery, are large. Most of them are three-by-four feet, and would doubtless be particularly compelling in person. But it is a testament to Grace Ho’s voice as an artist that, even on a computer screen, her work leaves a big impression.
Read MoreSculpture and shadows: Renee Balfour’s “New Work” evokes a haunting stillness

“New Work” is full of contradictions, or maybe polarities: seemingly organic, yet meticulously constructed; static yet full of movement; terrestrial yet otherworldly. More amazing still is that Balfour is a self-taught woodworker who has only been sculpting for four years.
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